Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Review: Fury (2014)

As someone living in a first world country in the 21st century, I am lucky to not know the ravages of war first hand. Films like this are the closest I hope I get to knowing what it is like. David Ayer has constructed a rough, down and dirty war flick. It's darn gritty, with some interesting, if cliched, characters. 

For a film set around tank warfare, it's a little different to what I'm used to seeing. Sure, we're following a gang of troops, but they fight predominantly in the tank. The film builds nicely, with some exciting and tense tank battle scenes. Holding this crew together is Brad Pitt's likeable leader. He's supported well by LaBeouf, Lerman, Pena and Bernthal. Bernthal is actually barely understandable in this flick, but I'll put it down to the character being a bit of a lug head. 

Based on a true story of a heroic feat achieved by this particular tank crew, the film is enjoyable, and doesn't shy away from showing some harsh realities of war. It's no Saving Private Ryan, but, it has plenty of action to keep you interested with moments of humanity and heart. 


3.5 out of 5.

1 comment:

  1. Simon Wiesenthal move over Because it now seems Brad Pitt has become the greatest Nazi Hunter of all time thanks to Bastards and now Fury.
    Fury had promise. It started out as a bunch of jaded tankers tearing across Germany through Death and Despair after D-Day, the tension supported this well.
    What it turned into was Brad the Rambo Pitt taking on the Nazis almost single handedly in some ridiculous battle scenes later in the movie.
    Fury could have been great, if it had it held the line............
