Saturday, 16 August 2014

Review: Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)

Saw this film over a week ago, but haven't had time to sit and write up my thoughts for you all. Finally, Saturday morning, and I have some time. 

Ok, well, one thing for sure is, this film has stuck with me. I definitely feel an urge to watch it again - even if just to take my partner along to see it. To me, it's probably not Marvel's best, but it is certainly one of their top entries.

Chris Pratt, in beef cake mode, plays our Guardians leader Peter Quill. He's like a bounty hunter/treasure hunter/space adventurer figure, and the object he's after is what leads to him joining the others. Chases and mayhem ensues, with plenty of laughter and exciting sci fi action set pieces. I don't want to give you too much of a plot synopsis, as you can get that elsewhere, like IMDB. I didn't really know what the story was all about going into it - only what the trailers showed.

The trailer had me hooked from the get go. It was just so cool and funny. And, the music, woah! When a movie blends music into the action and story so well, you have to see it. The film itself lives up to the hype though. The soundtrack is very cool, and fits so well. I want the soundtrack - in fact, I'm streaming it as I write this up.

To me, it had a Star Wars kind of vibe about it. Peter Quill is kind of like a Han Solo for me, whilst Groot had me thinking about Chewbacca. I feel Groot, in particular, will become the modern day, almost speechless sidekick we all grow to love more and more - just like Chewie. And, like Star Wars, this is all set in a universe where alien and humanlike live together. Space ships and anything space agey is all part of a normal day. 

The scripting is very witty, with some great twists on sayings we all know. The story itself is pretty cool, and the villain, I think, was quite menacing. Played by Lee Pace, I think he was quite intimidating and looked great. The special effects are excellent - which is to be expected from something big budget these days.

The Guardians are played by Chris Pratt (Peter Quill), Zoe Saldana (Gamora), Dave Bautista (Drax), Bradley Cooper's voice (Rocket - a raccoon) and Vin Diesel's voice (Groot - a tree). Yes, that's right, a raccoon and a tree. It all just works so well though. All the character's are pretty well fleshed out as well. It could be difficult to pick a fave at this stage, although Groot gets the heart warmer award for sure. Zoe Saldana has undergone two coloured characters now (blue and now green), so I'm wondering what colour is next for her.

Well, this film is definitely worth a look, and I may try to get a second look at the cinema. It's very entertaining, and pure sci fi world fun. You'll know who Star Lord is by the time it ends.

I am Groot! 


4 out of 5.

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