Friday, 20 June 2014

Review: Before Midnight (2013)

I thought the first two were very good. They captured the joy of discovery and falling in love. The conversations were quite natural, and the performances very real.

This film, I think, it is better than the first two. I enjoyed the ensemble scenes at the start, with the conversations between the main characters and others being enjoyable to listen to. Once away from that, the feelings and emotion between the two came across a lot stronger for me in this one. They truly did seem like a couple that is a bit on edge with each other. It was not all lovey dovey, like the first two.

One thing I also loved about this film, was the extended single shot dialogue scene at the start in the car. When you watch it, take note of how long each scene is...barely any cuts there. Amazing to see two actors just completely embodying their characters that way.

Beautiful to see these characters and actors grow with each over nearly 20 years. Well done!


4 out of 5.

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