This is the kind of film I have to rate based on how much I enjoyed
it, but not for it's quality of character development, acting or story. It's
Michael Bay at his most bombastic!
Yep, it's loud, obscene, gratuitous, ridiculous....but hell, I had a really great time at the cinema with this.
I'm a Michael Bay fan. I have been ever since Bad Boys graced the
screen, and I haven't looked back. He makes the kind of movies that
feed my need for popcorn cinema at its most extreme. Sure, there is
The Avengers and Iron Man style of popcorn cinema, and then there is
He's got plenty of haters out there, but, box office shows, plenty of people flock to see his 'onslaught to the senses' films.
I had ear to ear grins while watching this movie. At nearly 3 hours,
it is a bit of a stretch, but, Bay is no slouch in the action dept, and
he delivers in spades. There's laughs to be had along the way, and some
truly awe inspiring effects shots.
Leave your critic hat at the door for this one. Yes, you could tear
it to shreds as a critic would, but, let go, and have some fun. Bay
certainly is.
4 out of 5.