Well, my previous entry talks about expectation, and
sometimes having it set to high. I’ve heard very good things about About Time,
and the film maker's previous credits are pretty much excellent as well. So, how
does this movie stand up to it all – well, the praise is definitely deserved.
Instant classic!
I love time travel films, and I’ve got a penchant for good
romantic comedies. But, this is all so much more. Drama, comedy, romance,
science fiction - blended perfectly. I fucking loved it.
I don’t know much about the male lead, but he was certainly
very likeable. Sure, he’s a red head, but we can’t hold that against him.
Female lead, Rachel McAdams – love her! Has she been in a shit film? Well, she
probably has, but, because she’s in it, it’s still worth watching. Is she the
go to girl for romance films? The Notebook (classic), Vow, Morning
Glory…the list may go on. She’s got a wonderful on screen presence, and her
chemistry with her counterpart on screen is very believable.
Chemistry – that’s really what makes this film just work.
All the characters just mix so well together. Whether it is they’re falling Iove,
or have a odd family bond, it’s all just so real and unreal at the same time. Real
because you can relate to the emotions being presented here, and unreal because
it has time travel…haha. Seriously though, this is the feel good movie you
need to see. It’ s funny, heart felt, and damn good entertainment.
I fucking loved it – I know, I said that before.
Oh, and Bill Nighy, as the dad, is just superb.
5 out of 5.
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