Sunday, 29 September 2013

Marvel's Agents of Shield (Pilot Episode)

Marvel presents Agents of Shield. Thought I would check this out sooner rather than later. Typically I wait till there are a few more episodes before getting into shows, but, well, I just couldn't wait. So, is it worth it? Is it any good? All in all, yes, it is a pretty good start. There's nice linkages to the Marvel universe we already know (from the movies), but unfortunately there are no appearances from any of The Avengers. Remember though, this is not a tv show about The Avengers, but the focus is on the group that brought them together - S.H.I.E.L.D. 

Writer, producer and pilot director Joss Whedon is practically a god now. He's created perhaps one of the most iconic shows there is - Buffy The Vampire Slayer. His other shows are pretty damn good as well - Angel, Firefly and Dollhouse. He's the man behind the 2012 juggernaut The Avengers. That movie pretty much took the characters that had been already set up in solo films, put them together and hit it out of the park. It was a lot of fun. 

That's probably the keyword to all of Joss' television and film credits - fun. He really knows how to write some witty/funny dialogue, yet still have an underlying seriousness to it all. His engaging of the audience into these worlds and characters is amazing. This pilot episode has exactly all of that. It's funny, engaging, and sets up some interesting plot points for the upcoming episodes. I love shows that centre around characters that have extraordinary abilities, whether they be superhuman or super intelligent - or both. I'll definitely be tuning in for some more Agents of Shield.

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