My wife is currently on maternity leave with our first child - little man Baby Cruz. She wrote this small entry as a guest post.
Ok here I go...I hope this is ok. 
So the sad part about maternity leave is that it allowed me to get up to date with The Bold and The Beautiful. This has become a somewhat happy event though, as it means I get Cruz cuddles while he has his afternoon nap for 30 minutes while I hold him in my arms.
So what has been happening in the world of the Forresters? Well, Ridge is still trying to win Brooke back. Back in March when I started watching it again, they were about to get married in Sydney. Then Ridge (played by a different actor to the original ridiculous!) was caught by Brooke kissing his dad's wife and the wedding was off!! When they returned to LA, Brooke became engaged to another man - Bill Spencer. Not quite sure who he is, I may have missed a few episodes in the last 15 years. Anyway, so Ridge has spent the last 3 months worth of episodes trying to win Brooke back. I'm thinking he'll still be doing the same when Cruz starts school.
As a side story to this, the Spectra Designs Fashion House stole designs from Forrester Creations and released their new line of dresses. If this sounds familiar to you (it did to me) it is because this happened before - 15 years ago and probably a few more times during the 15 years of episodes that I have missed.
As entertaining as watching this show has been for the last 3 months (not really entertaining), the best thing about it is that it is conveniently broadcast during Cruz's 4.30pm daily nap. Would I recommend you leaving work early to catch the latest developments? Probably not!