Sunday, 29 January 2017

Top Films for 2016

2016 felt like a really big year for me. I haven't been tracking my films watched for many years, but with 330 films under my belt in 2016 it must be one of if not my best ever. The 330 includes 98 rewatches and a bumper 42 visits to the cinema. Damn good year, and definitely one of my last big years for a quite some time - baby on the way. 

I usually do a write up for my top films list, but this year I took some inspiration from others and did a top films video instead. It's is a 5 min clip, with honourable mentions also included. My top films are any film I rated 4 star or more and it's based on Australian release date. My honourable mentions are 3.5 star films. Enjoy! .... And thanks for reading and watching.