month I watched 20 films, which includes 7 rewatches. Of
the 20, my recommendations would be anything I rate 3 or more out of 5.
For me, 3 stars is a good film, worth watching once. The best first time watch this month was Blue Is The Warmest Color. Read my brief
review on Letterboxd here
5 star films
4.5 star films
Blue Is The Warmest Color
The Social Network (rewatch)
Zodiac (rewatch)
The Social Network (rewatch)
Zodiac (rewatch)
4 star films
The Terminator (rewatch)
The Prestige (rewatch)
The Town (rewatch)
The Town (rewatch)
3.5 star films
The Devil's Backbone
The Maze Runner (review here)
Midnight Express
Panic Room (rewatch)
Panic Room (rewatch)
3 star films
Below 3 star films
I usually write a short review for most films, with major blog entries for some. My short reviews can be found here on
This month on the TV front was a bit slow. Wedding plans and long work hours mean I have rarely had the time to watch anything. I have stalled on The Strain, but plan on finishing that in October. Same with The Vampire Diaries. I did however get back into Agents of Shield, and finished off season 1. That show really kicked it into gear after about half way through the season. That first half was tough to get through, as it was just the same stuff each episode. But, I'm glad I went back to it. I did start Rectify season 2. I loved season 1, so was keen to see some more hardcore drama. I also started Gotham, which had a so so pilot episode. I'll let this show get some more episodes under its belt so I can see a few in a row. I hope it gets a lot better though.
Thanks for reading. Share your thoughts and/or recommendations below.