Sunday, 2 March 2014

Review: Her

I'd been hanging out to see this film for quite a few weeks. Finally got to see it with a mate, and, oh my god, it is excellent...well, beyond excellent even. I totally loved it. As soon as it gets going with its future setting, I could feel this sense of pleasure overcoming me. Does that sound dirty?

I'm a big fan of seeing future technology in movies, because there are some truly cool ideas floating around. This film focuses on interactive computer technology - I actually love the idea of being able to instruct my computer to take notes and do those kinds of tasks that ultimately render a keyboard and mouse pointless - yes, I did love Minority Report for its evolution of the nintendo powerglove.

Joaquin Phoenix is excellent as the lead character, a man that has lost his love (impending divorce) and struggles to re-integrate with others. He buys for himself the next step in computer technology, an artificially intelligent operating system. I loved this concept, where a user can establish a relationship with their computer. This is the story, so simple, yet so well done. Sure, there is the whiz bang gadgetry on show, but, this is really about a journey of a form you would not necessarily think of.

Joaquin really gets into this character. He is utterly believable in every emotion he displays - and to think, he is essentially solo on screen. Nothing to really rebound off, except words coming from a computer voice. This voice is that of Scarlett Johansson, which makes for a very sexy sounding computer. 

Overall, I can't wait to see this movie again. I absolutely loved it - from it's use of future technology, down to its portrayal of real human emotion - even from the computers perspective.


5 out of 5 for me. I had been thinking 4.5, but, really, this is a must see.